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How to gain weight

How to gain weight

 It is going to be important topic for those who wants to gain weight in a healthy way.

In this article we will focus on what is underweight, what are the reasons of underweight, what should you eat to gain weight .Continue with the article for details. It will help you a lot.

What is underweight?

A person having very low body weight with respect to your age,sex,height etc.BMI is used for finding whether you are having a healthy body weight.The ideal BMI for most of the adults is 18.5 to 24.19, for young people and children it is 2 to 18.It acccounts age,sex,height and weight for calculating BMI.

What are the reasons of under weight

Multiple reasons are there that may account together for your underweight issue.Some are:
  • Physical and mental stress
  • Genetical aspects
  • Malnutrition
  • Some drugs that affect your appetite
  • Inadequate metabolism of nutrition etc. 

Symptoms may be

  • Weak immunity
  •  Hair loss   
  • Dizziness or fatigue from anemia 
  •  Poor growth and development etc.

How to gain weight:What should you eat?

Eating habits affects our body health a lot.Taking food in time is very much important.Moreover, sufficient amount of nutritive food should be taken rather talking lots of food.

  • It contain  huge amount of proteins that help in adding more muscles.
  • It is also reach in calcium , vitamins and other essential minerals.
2.Protein smoothies:

     Quick and nutritious way to gain wight,protein shakes of your own.Commercial protein shakes are basically loaded with sugar.You can mix some fruits and milk and also almonds,walnuts etc which will be more healthier.

3.Red meats:

       For quick result you can eat red meat which is the best muscle building food.Red meats , reach in dietary
Red meat
creatine,which is a amazing muscle building supplement.
         If you love steak then it is good for you.It contains leucine,about 3 grams per 6 ounces.Leucine is a important  essential amino acid which stimulaes the muscle protein and add new muscle tissues.
      Red meats are really good to gain weight with right amount of calories.

4.Nuts and nuts butter

      Nuts are full of calories.Two handful amount can adds hundreds of calories.If you love to almonds then you will happy to know that a small handful contains 7 grams of protein and 18 grams of healthy fats. 
        Nut butter,you can have it while taking your snack.


        Once you take some rice ,it provides you high amount of carbs and calories.Rice is so easy to consume and digest.
         But be careful,some type of rice contains high amount of arsenic which may cause metal toxicity.

It is seen sometimes that even he or she is taking proper food then also body remains underweight.In that case you may be suffering from functional problems like improper absorption, assimilation etc.It is better to consult a qualified health professionals and get right diagnosis. You may be suggested to go through certain medications.

Mental health is very important factor for loosing weigh or non incriment of your body weight.So you need to spend a joyful  time . Don't take stress a lot .You can practice yoga and meditation that really helps a lot in relaxing your mind.There are many asanas in yoga you can practice daily.

Physical health management is important to stay healthy life.When you do some physical exercise it improves you blood circulation through out the body.It helps in releasing certain hormones . Physical exercises necessary to improve your body metabolism and it will further help you in maintaining a healthy physic.

I hope this will help you in  understanding how to gain weight.Practice a good habit for good and healthy body.

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