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Cat: Bengal cat,Persian cat, Russian blue cat



Cats,among the most domesticated animal which belongs to the family -felidae,genus -felis and species -catus having binomial name Felis catus .
Cats are having flexible and strong body,sharp teeth that help them in catching smal prey .They communicates using different vocal sounds like meowing, hissing and in anger they produce snoring sounds.Cats are usually more active in the night time .They have strong night vision capacity which really help them in preying at night.

As they grow older,they spend more time in sleeping near about 16 to 17 hours a day.This mechanism helps them in conserving more energy. They servival periods varies from 10 to 30 years.Females can have two to five kittens from spring season to  of the end the autumn.

Cats were domesticated since a very long era which is considered to be started at ancient Egypt.Cats are playful and affectionate animals , because of that the are domesticated as a pet.

Moreover,Cats is considered among the most popular pets mostly in United States and UK.It is believed that around 7 to 8 million cats are living in 4 to 5 million households.It implies it's popularity as pet among the human society.

Here  are some of the best breed of cats with their peculiarities in there characteristics and behaviour.

∆ Bengal Cats:

          It is a domesticated cat breed belonging to the rank of hybrid .
Bengal cats
Basically bengal bat is derived from Egyptian mau and Asian leopard.They have a peculiar shrimmer and have spots on their body which make them looking like a Leopard carried from leopard ancestry.Bengal breed of cat was originated from USA.As they are having a masculine body features,they are likely to have larger size than the other domestic cats.

Behaviour of Bengal cats:       

              Bengal cats are considered as smart,they are curious in learning some new stuffs.They love to play more and enjoy doing playful stuffs.They are strong and energetic .They used to do climbing, chasing.This cat breed seems to be confident and entertainment loving.

Bengal Cat as a Pet:

        Nearly 125 breeds of bengal cats have been registered.Bengal cats were fully developed in 1980s and by 2000 it becomes very popular. Their can have red, brown ,black,grey colour in a combination.In comparison to the other breed, bengal cats produces or carry less allergens.So it is a good quality to adopt a Bengal cat as a pet.

Persian Cats:

Persian cat breed

           Long haired and rounded faced persian  cat breed is also known by Iranian cat,Persian longhair,Shirazi,Persia.It is said to be originated in Iran.It was first developed by the English and then America after the second world war.Persian kitten comes in ash,black,cream and white persian cat.

      Persian kitten should be given protein like boiled chicken,turky,fish and some other seafood can be given.They need proper care and food attention.

Behaviour of persian cat:

         They are quite gentle and sweet.They are affectionate too.They  love to stay inside in apartment.
          As a pet,they are well adapted to the indoor environment.They play inside.Their friendliness attracts people as well as strangers.They love indoing small funs like climbing the rack, sitting in the chair.It draws people's attention.
           During 2008 ,it was the most popular cat breed in the USA.It was 6th popular cat breed in the UK during the period of 2012.
             Persian cat for sale purpose  having a great demand.Many households adopt persian cats as a pet. For buying a persian cat in India you can visit a portal called which provides food service and also you can buy a persian cat online in India.

Russian Blue cat:

               Bluish green coloured skin with large bright greenish eyes make them beautiful and attractive.They have short fur with blue grey coat.This breed of cat was originated in Russia.It considered as a naturally occurring breed .Later Russian blue cat was developed mainly in the England after World war ll.

Behavioural character of Russian blue:

                  Russian blue cat is known for its friendliness behaviour.They are considered as a quiet although may have some
Russian blue cat
exceptions.They are very energetic and love to play.Moreove they have sharp memory ,they learn things that owner teaches them.They may be trained to do some tricks.They play with the toys and with the owner and make a affectionate relationship.They can remember their favourite toys and persons they meet regularly.

              They are very curious and playful so they don't want get bored,even they can direct their owners to play with them.
                 Russian blue as pet is a good choice.Persons with mild to moderate allergies can handle the Russian blue . Cleanliness and personal hygiene should be taken care of while handling them.

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