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GK questions on Vitamins

GK Questions on Vitamins:

Vitamins are very essential for body which help in proper functioning of the body that is normal growth and healthy Vitamin deficiency causes many diseases.

Gk questions on Vitamins

Here are some  GK questions on vitamin.This knowledge will also help in your everyday life.

1. Cobalt is found in which vitamin?

     A. B12      B. B3

     C. B6        D. B2

2.Which vitamin is necessary for eyesight?

      A. A        B. B

      C. C         D. D

3.What is the chemical name of Vitamin A?

    A. Thiamine  B.  Niacin

    C. Retinal       D . Riboflavin

4.What is the chemical name of Vitamin B1?

      A. Niacin         B.  Tocopherol

      C. Riboflavin    D. Thiamine

5.Vitamin A is found in abundance in which of the following?

    A. Amla            B. Carrots

    C. Coconut        D. Orange

6.What is the chemical name of Vitamin B2?

      A. Riboflavin        B. Naphthoquinone

      C. Calciferol            D. Ascorbic acid

7.Due to lack of which vitamin cracks on the lips appear?

      A. B            B.  B2

      C. B3           D. B12

8.Which of the following diseases is caused by vitamin B deficiency?

     A. Berry-Berry     B. Night blindness

     C. Rickets               D. Typhoid

9.Which vitamin is found in abundance in fish liver?

       A. B-K         B. E-C

       C. D-C          D. D-A

10.Mental disorder (retardation) and Pelagra disease are caused due to deficiency of which vitamin?

        A. C.            B .D

        C. A             D. B3

11.Due to deficiency of which vitamin, blood starts coming from the gums and teeth start shaking?

       A. D        B. K

       C. C        D. B

12.The best source of Vitamin C?

       A. Carrot          B. Amla

       C. Spinach        D. Milk

13.Chemical Name of Vitamin B6-

      A. Pyridaxine
      B. ascorbic acid
      C. Tocopherol
      D. Filoquinho

14. What is the chemical name of Vitamin B12?

      A. Naphthoquinone    B. Naphthalene

       C. Cyanocobalamin      D. Thiamine

15.Night blindness is caused due to deficiency of which vitamin?

       A. D        B. K

       C. E           D. A

16.Which of the following does not give energy-

      A. Protein             B. Fat

      C. Carbohydrate      D. Vitamin

17. What is the chemical name of Vitamin C?

       A. Quinol
       B. Ascorbic acid
       C. Tocopherol
       D. Pyridaxine

18.What is the chemical name of Vitamin D?

      A. Calciferol        B. Thiamine

      C. Tocopherol       D. Filoquino

19.Who discovered Vitamin C -

    A. Robert Kings    B. Edward Jenner

    C. Waiting              D. Howcut

21. Vitamin A is stored in human body?

       A. in skin          B.kidney

       C. In liver         D. None of this

22.What is the chemical name of Vitamin E?

      A. Retinal         B. Niacin

      C. Thiamine      D. Tocopherol

23. Who discovered vitamins?

      A. Robert Pieri      B. Alexander

      C. Funk                    D. William Harvey

24. Who discovered vitamins A and B-

     A. McCullan         B. Robert Hooke

     C. Newton              D. Gram Bell

25.Who is called beauty vitamin?

       A. A          B. B

       C. C            D. E

26.Which vitamin destroys the harmful chemical produced in the body?

        A. A        B. B

        C. C         D. E

27.Which vitamin is removed by washing the peeled vegetables?

       A. A       B. K

       C. C       D. D

28. Which vitamin is helpful in preventing infection in human body?

        A. A     B. D

        C. K      D. E

29.Which vitamin is not found in milk-

        A. D       B. K

         C. A       D. C

30.Which vitamin is helpful in blood clotting?

        A. A        B. K

        C. D         D. B12
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